Kofi's hat

Kofi's hat

MP3s, music news and reviews, and a sprinkling of pop culture. Named by Aqualung's Matt Hales, after his son.

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Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Ink in my blood, a song in my heart. Metaphor is my middle name.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Simon Sez Santa and Other Viral Holiday Sites

Found while putting the finishing touches on my gift guide (coming soon!): Wired's roundup of viral holiday sites. For the love of all that is good and decent, do not subject anyone to those hideous elf cards. Seriously. If you're tempted, resist the urge. Be strong. Look, hey, here's Simon Sez Santa (in kid-friendly and adult versions). He refuses to comply with a distressing amount of my perfectly reasonable requests, but I'm pleased to report that he does vomit on demand.* On an entirely unrelated note, ye olde traditional year-end music lists are also on the way.

*For those who seeketh Simon Sez Santa spoilers, he will also: play baseball, play football, and play soccer (cute gag: note the difference in background noise with each one) I tried, and failed, to get him to cook (he will eat, though though). "Microwave" resulted in a wave. "Popcorn" and "popcorn" each yielded Santa making a finger-popping sound with his mouth. "Contact lens" also got an interesting response. Santa will use a computer, dance, jog, exercise, kiss (sort of), box, read, make a phone call, sleep, sing, rap, pet or (yegods) ride Rudolph. Also try "fire", "fly", "swim", and, if you must, "strip".


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